
How To Increase Level Monster Super League


Monster Super League Leveling and Progression [Guide]

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Monster Super League Progression guide. Here you're going to larn simple and efficient means to progress through the game. Getting you used to the nuts to knowing where to spend your Astrogems. So let'south get started!

Name Level Description Effect%
iii Pocket-size Heave to Crit 2
4 Moderate Boost to Crit 5
One-Hit Wonder v Major Boost to Crit 7
3 Minor Boost to HP 5
4 Moderate Boost to HP seven
HP Ultrabooster five Major Heave to HP 12
Lupine Lunge iii Minor Boost to Set on v
Mighty Lupine Lunge 4 Moderate Heave to Assault 7
Aboriginal Lupine Lunge v Major Boost to Assault 12
Dragon'due south Approving three Minor Heave to Defence force v
Mighty Dragon's Approving four Moderate Boost to Defense seven
Ancient Dragon'south Blessing 5 Major Boost to Defence force 12
Arcane Tracery 3 Minor Boost to S-Attack 5
Mighty Arcane Tracery 4 Moderate Boost to S-Assault vii
Ancient Arcane Tracery 5 Major Boost to Due south-Set on 12
Protective Array 3 Small Boost to Due south-Defense 5
Mighty Protective Array 4 Moderate Boost to S-Defense 7
Ancient Protective Array v Major Heave to S-Defence force 12
Speed Star Alpha iii Pocket-size Heave to Speed 5
4 Moderate Boost to Speed 7
Speed Star Gamma five Major Boost to Speed 12
3 Minor Boost to Accuracy two
four Moderate Heave to Accuracy 5
Ultra Radar Patch v Major Boost to Accuracy 10
5 Boost ?? to Political party members of the aforementioned Type as Leader 15
iv Heave HP to Political party members of the aforementioned Type as Leader 15
4 Boost Attack to Party members of the same Type as Leader 15
iv Boost Defence to Party members of the same Type as Leader 15
4 Heave Due south-Attack to Party members of the same Type as Leader 15
4 Heave S-Defence force to Political party members of the same Type equally Leader xv
4 Boost Speed to Political party members of the same Type equally Leader xv
4 Heave Accuracy to Political party members of the same Type as Leader 13
4 Heave Crit to Party members of the same Type every bit Leader x
4 Increment Null resistance 0
4 Increase Fire resistance 0
4 Increase Water ResistanceIncrease Thunder Resistance 0
4 Increase Nature Resistance 0
iv Increase Calorie-free Resistance 0
4 Increase Darkness Resistance 0
four Increase resistance to Poison 0
iv Increase resistance to Defoliation 0
four Increase resistance to Paralyze 0
4 Increment resistance to Sleep 0
4 Increment resistance to Stun 0
4 Increase resistance to Skill-Seal 0
4 Increase resistance to Instant Death 0
four 25
4 Assault upwards when HP at 100% 25
4 Defense up when HP at 100% 25
iv Southward-Attack up when HP at 100% 25
4 Southward-Defence up when HP at 100% 25
4 Speed up when HP at 100% 25
iv Accuracy up when HP at 100% 15
4 Crit upward when HP at 100% 25
4 thirty
4 Assault upwards when HP at 20% or less 30
4 Defense upwards when HP at 20% or less 30
iv S-Set on upward when HP at 20% or less 30
4 Due south-Defense upward when HP at 20% or less 30
four Speed up when HP at twenty% or less thirty
4 Accurateness up when HP at 20% or less twenty
4 Crit up when HP at twenty% or less 30

Starting off

In Monster Super League you're going to exist spending your time collecting and contesting creatures known equally Astromon. So the starting time thing you want to do is the tutorial.

Like whatever game you start by learning the basics and in the basics of MSL you larn and gain quite a bit. Proceeds a couple Astromon and collecting some items and Astrogems.

Once you finish the tutorial you are ready off on your own and set to figure out what to practice next and how to practise information technology. Our first real stop is the airship.



The hub world of MSL is the airship. Looks small from the main screen  and may not seem like much but in that location is one affair to practise here that is helpful.

Every so often you lot'll come across lilliputian sparkles effectually the balloon match, tap those sparkles! Yous'll get aureate and besides an item every time y'all practice.

Whether it be more gold, some free energy, and even sometimes you can become Astrogems if you're lucky. It maybe a small-scale note but it's very much worth the tapping attempt so e'er check the balloon.

Story Way

The area where you'll be spending virtually of your fourth dimension is going to be in Story Mode. Going through Story Fashion is going to get y'all feel for your Astromon, items to aid them grow, and it'south also where y'all catch more than Astromon.


In Story Mode the all-time affair to exercise is just go with information technology. Follow it from the first level to equally far as you lot can until it starts getting hard.

Once you hit the difficulty spike is when you demand to start leveling and enhancing your Astromon. Merely to do that you're going to need items you go from story mode. Specifically gems.

Gems are something you become almost every fourth dimension you consummate a story mission. Yous can equip gems to increment an Astromons stats.

And that'south where we get into grooming our Astromechs. There's a lot yous tin can do merely i'm going to give you the basics to get you started.

Monster Screen – Leveling, Equipping, and Evolving your Astromon.


On the Monster screen you take several options to get through. Picking the Astromon you desire to focus on, equipping them with gems, leveling them up, and evolving or ascending them.

First matter yous want to practise though is option what Astromon you want to put your fourth dimension into. You'll usually be using a team of four in every mission only at that place's always going to be one playing leader.

I suggest picking annihilation above a two star for your leader. So pick a three star you lot got during the tutorial and allow's start building them up.


Leveling up your Astromon is actually actually simple. You tin get feel just by battling with them in Story fashion but you tin also feed them fruit or other items to level them upward too.

Using fruit is probably the fastest way to gain levels but should also be used sparingly. You never know when you may get more than and then always play conservatively.

Next is Equipment.

Equipping gems is important because of their power to heighten stats. But y'all also desire to pay attention to what yous're equipping to what Astromon.

Don't just throw all your HP Gems onto a random Astromon to buff upwards their HP. A lot of it will assist but if they accept bad defense it isn't going to go them anywhere.

Pay attending to their stats and see what they're potent in. Equip gems that help brand them ameliorate in those stats for more efficiency.

On top of equipping you can as well upgrade your gems. Simply tap on one and hit upgrade then spend some gilt to increase its ability.

Last but not least on your Astromons is Evolving and Ascending.



Rise and Evolution are both very important and honestly not something you'll be able to do right off the bat. But it doesn't hurt for you to accept a piddling insight earlier mitt.

Ascension raises an Astromons rank by ane every fourth dimension they ascend. Then a ii star can arise to a three star and a three tin ascend to a iv.

To ascend your Astromon you're going to need Starstones and elemental stones. You lot can get them by playing through dungeons which you unlock after getting half style through the second story mode area.

Evolution notwithstanding changes the way your Astromon looks. Bringing them to the next level and raising their stats.

To evolve you need to have variants of the Astromon. Variants can exist gotten through Astromon summons at random. They're rare and then it'll probably take some time for you lot to become some.

Gathering Astrogems

Here's where nosotros get into the long term part of the game. Astrogems are your key to getting more Astromon and there are many means to go Astrogems in game with out spending a dime! (Though you lot can buy some if you lot cull to).

The easiest way to get Astrogems is but by collecting Astromon.



In the Astroguide you get a list of all the Astromon in game. The ones you have are going to be loftier lighted and tapping them volition grant you a number of Astrogems. And so the more than you collect the more gems you get

Simply you tin also get gems from capturing Astromon as quests. In the capture tab you can complete certain requirements to get a dainty amount of gems.

For instance, communicable all Astromon seen in the Phantom Forest story area gives you sixty Astrogems. And so by far this is going to be the best way to gather them.

And of course you always desire to do quests and missions.


Something you always want to be doing is your missions. Even if you aren't worried about Astrogems you get a lot of corking things by following the mission requirements.

One of those things being Astrogems, and 1 of them being a free Astromon at the end of every mission chapter. So the footling bits of extra work are worth it.


Quests however are slightly different than Missions because they offer a lot more than with what y'all take to do to get the rewards. There are five types of quests you tin choose from

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Challenges, and Capture.

Each cavalcade has their own list of quests and they're all different. Some give y'all energy or gilt but a lot of them offer Astrogems.

By playing an elemtnal dungeon you become five Astrogems as a Daily. It may not seem like a lot merely doing that every 24-hour interval volition start to add upwardly.

So remember always cheque for Missions and Quests. The extra effort is worth the reward and information technology helps with stacking up those Astrogems.

Spending Astrogems

Now as for spending your Astrogems it all varies on what you're looking for when you play. Y'all can use them to buy more free energy or gilt if you want but my personal preference is to use them on Summons.


Summoning Astromon is the all-time style to go higher ranked ones with out having to ascend the ones you lot have. You can spend threescore gems for a single summon or six hundred for a multi summon.

The unmarried summon may seem tempting considering of the toll simply if you hold out and practise the multi summon. With the multi summon y'all become a guaranteed Variant in the pack which is something you tin can utilize to evolve your Astromon.

So when it comes to getting started and progressing in Monster Super League I've give yous the basics to survive. Focus on Story fashion, it's fun and gets you lot going real quick.

And it'southward nice to save upwards those Astrogems and aim for a multi summon. You don't have to though, they're your gems to spend later on all.

And so enjoy collecting Astromon and battling them to their full potential. Until next time, have fun!

How To Increase Level Monster Super League,


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